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What is Friday Jr and what does it mean?

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

When I was a admin assistant for this company I found myself looking at the time all the time. Rushing the day by so I could get home to relax with my the wife ,enjoy a glass of wine and just work on furthering myself. Eventually, that got to be tiring and I decided to change the way I thought. Instead of rushing it by, I was looking forward to specific situations in the days (Thursdays). Occasionally in a 9-to-5 workplace you tend to gravitate towards living for the weekend and not living during the week. A buddy and I decided to start going bowling on Thursdays using Groupon. I would really look forward to bowling on Thursdays more than I would look forward to getting released from work on Friday for the weekend.

Bowling Alley

It felt like a miniature Friday and I look forward to more than two days of satisfaction and enjoyment. Since I lost my employment and became and entrepreneur I no-longer feel that restraint. Now every Thursday I am reminded that I no longer have to feel the way I felt when I was working for a 9-5 workplace, but now I could actually celebrate it without worrying about the weekend.

So in hindsight, I rebranded Thursday. In doing so,made it easier for me to see that I was responsible for seeing the lost so negatively. Now I see it as a positive. Giving a purpose to Thursday made it something to look forward to, rather than look at it as inferior to Friday and the weekend.


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